Have a roofing-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!
Do you offer free estimates?
Yes, our estimates are free. 23% of homeowners have never had their roofs inspected or maintained, according to Dayton Daily News. If you want our roofers to take a look at your roof for any reason, give us a call to get a free estimate on the services you need.
Do you offfer financing?
Yes, we offer financing. Give us a call or check out our website to learn more about the financing our roofers offer.
What is your warranty?
We offer a limited lifetime warranty on asphalt shingles. Our workmanship warranty is 10-12 or 15 years, depending on the product installed by our roofers.
Do you use subcontractors?
No, we do not. We use ONLY our roofers.
What certifications do you have?
Our roofers are certified by Durolast and have and Emerald Premium certification through Malarkey Roofing products.
Do you do metal roofing?
Yes, we do! Contact our metal roofers today to get started on your project.
Do you do commercial roofing?
Yes, we do! Just give our roofers a call to get started.
Contractor ID#
Quick Links
Request An Estimate
Olympia, WA :(360) 492-1459
Shelton, WA :(360) 462-0800
Our Service Area
Serving Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Kitsap & Grays Harbor County
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